The Anti-Snooze Workshop Prescription

Are your workshops more "blah" than "ta-da!"? Fear not, I've got the antidote to boring workshops in my Anti-Snooze Workshop Prescription.

This month has been a workshop marathon! With over 10 workshops done and the month not over yet - I have been reflecting on what makes workshops fun, energising & engaging. So here are 5 Anti-Snooze Workshop Prescription:

1/ Wing It Like a Pro (After Prepping Like a Maniac) πŸͺ½

Workshops rarely go exactly as planned. While having a solid plan with clear objectives and engaging activities is important, I've learned to be ready to adapt to the unexpected.

One way I tackle this is by defining the "MVW" or "minimum viable workshop" – the bare minimum I want to accomplish to meet the objective.

2/ Silly Goose Mode: Activated! πŸͺΏ

A playful atmosphere helps people relax, connect, and learn. One of the best things we facilitators can do is create a safe space for silliness (& by extension failure).

Laughter is the best icebreaker! Whether it's a quick movement exercise or a round of "Two Truths and a Lie," silliness fosters connection like nothing else.

3/ No Lecture Zone πŸ™Š

People learn best by doing, not just listening. Break up lectures with hands-on activities, group discussions, and creative exercises. Be conscious of how much time you are spending talking vs how much time your participants are talking.

Simple activities like brainstorming on sticky notes, talking to peers or a quiz can be incredibly engaging.

4/ Brain-Friendly Bites 🧠

As facilitators, we need to resist the urge to cram too much information into our workshops. Focus on a few key takeaways and give participants time to digest and apply what they've learned.

A good question to ask yourself is, "What can I remove and still maintain the essence of the workshop?"

5/ All is Well that Ends Well 🏁

End on a high note by acknowledging successes, sharing inspiring stories, and encouraging participants to connect. A positive closing leaves a lasting impression and inspires continued learning.

I love ending workshops with reflection or a celebration or even a commitment to their learning.

In a Nutshell 🌰

So there you have it! Five simple ways to transform your workshops from forgettable to unforgettable:

  1. Wing It Like a Pro (After Prepping Like a Maniac) πŸͺ½

  2. Silly Goose Mode: Activated! πŸͺΏ

  3. No Lecture Zone πŸ™Š

  4. Brain-Friendly Bites 🧠

  5. All is Well that Ends Well 🏁

By embracing flexibility, fun, interaction, and celebration, you can create learning experiences that truly resonate with your participants. Happy workshopping!


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