Ditch 'Lifelong Learning' - Build Everyday Learning

Lifelong Learning? Forget It! Why Everyday Learning is Where It's At

We're all told to become lifelong learners. But honestly, who even knows what that means? It sounds exhausting, like a goal that's too big and far away to ever actually reach. Instead of chasing some distant idea of learning forever, let's get real.

The key to mastering new skills, expanding your knowledge, and having mind-blowing breakthroughs lies in everyday learning. It's about those small, consistent steps you take each day that create massive transformations over time.

Little and Often Wins the Race

Think about it – learning a little bit every day is way more doable than some grand "lifelong" goal. Those small wins keep you motivated, and before you know it, you've built a whole treasure chest of knowledge and skills. Small, everyday learning makes you the master of your destiny, not a slave to an impossible ideal.

5 Ways to Become an Everyday Learning Ninja

Ready to make learning a part of your daily routine? Here are 5 things I have done to build an everyday learning habit:

1/ Build a Documentation System ✍🏻

Jot down interesting facts, questions you want to answer, or cool ideas. Use a notebook, a digital note app, or a simple doc – a place to capture those "aha!" learning moments. Make sure whatever you pick helps you retrieve & access information easily.

I was a notebook gal for the longest time but have shifted to a Notion repository now. I use it to bookmark articles, take notes and write - evolving the format over time to what works for me.

2/ Add Learning Calendar Blocks πŸ—“οΈ

Block out short periods in your calendar specifically for learning. Even 15 minutes of focused reading, watching a tutorial, or practising a skill make a difference.

I used to start my work day with 30 mins of learning & I would use that time to read newsletters or books or take an online course. It was something that was blocked out in my calendar & I had colleagues come and tell me that seeing it inspired them to invest in their learning as well.

3/ Speak to 3 New People Every Week πŸ—£οΈ

Talk to people from different backgrounds – your barista, a fellow bus passenger, or someone from a different department at work. New conversations spark new ideas.

When I was transitioning from being a Researcher to a Learning Experience Designer, I would talk to people who were working in this space through online communities & forums. I set a goal for myself - talk to 2-3 new people every week and just that 1-1.5 hour spent every week boosted my learning so much!

4/ Learn in Public 🌍

Don't be afraid to show you're learning! Ask questions in forums, share your work in progress, or write a blog post on something you're figuring out. It keeps you accountable and invites helpful feedback.

I started writing online in 2020. The single most important reason I continue to keep writing is how much I learn AFTER I put something out. Whether it is conversations with people, debates on something I shared or even people resonating with my ideas. This idea of the β€˜world being my classroom’ has kind of stuck with me.

5/ Daily Reflection Time πŸͺž

Take 5 minutes at the end of your day to reflect. What did I learn today? What surprised me? Reflection turns experiences into lasting knowledge.

I did the Artist’s Way course in 2019 and since then Morning Pages have become a regular feature. Starting my morning with reflections - 3 pages of physically writing down thoughts and feelings has done wonders for me. I also take 5 mins at the end of the day to reflect on my day and jot down - highlights, low points and gratitude.

Make Learning Your Everyday Superpower

See? Everyday learning is achievable, and way more fun than some vague, distant goal. Focus on making learning a habit, like brushing your teeth, and soon you won't even realise you're becoming that super-smart, super-skilled lifelong learner everyone talks about.


The Anti-Snooze Workshop Prescription


Stop Losing Learning