Mental Highways
Our brain is like a highway.
Just like cars on a highway, we have thoughts going from one place to another:
Some thoughts are fleeting - they go on full speed and disappear without us fully processing them fully
Some thoughts are slower, making us feel their presence before they go away
Others come and go regularly - like a car crossing a highway everyday on its way to work
Often we are in the car and other times we are outside - in the middle of the highway.
When we are thinking about a specific thing, we’re inside a car on the highway - we know there are other thoughts but we’re focussed on our destination
When we can’t focus, we’re outside on the highway - there are too many thoughts and it feels too much to process at once
When we start learning something, it feels like we’re in the middle of the highway - articles, words not making any sense. But as we learn more about it, things start to become clearer.
So the next time you learn something? Don’t give up when you feel like you’re in the middle of the highway.