Learning Nerd’s Diary #19 🌞
Hi folks!
Welcome back to the the Learning Nerd’s Diary.
It’s been a beautiful Sunday. I spent a large part of the day on my bed. Got-up super late, ate a heavy brunch, binge watched a TV show and napped - just how a Sunday should be really. Let’s dive in!
I’m writing this week’s diary on my new desk!
Yo-yo Learning
We’ve all heard of yo-yo dieting, but have you heard of yo-yo learning? As adults we are yo-yo learners.
There are things for which we lose interest too fast - they capture our interest just in that fleeting moment and then it’s gone. We don’t think about it again. And sometimes learning is like a fad, it comes and goes.
Want to know what they mean? Read the whole article here
Coolest Things I Learnt This Week
Passive Thinking: I’m quite the workaholic and not doing anything takes more work than doing something (!). Over the past few months I’ve come to appreciate fleeting moments of what I call ‘Passive Thinking’ - an evening walk, cooking in the evening with no background music, sitting in my balcony and sitting in my balcony and watching the sunset. Not filling up these moments is the best thing for my creativity. Time to revise that old saying eh? An idle mind is a devil’s factory leads to great ideas.
Why does structure have a bad rep?: I am a fairly structured person. To people around me the structure in my life is unsettling and often considered insane. But structuring my life does not mean that I’m inflexible. It’s easy to confuse structure with rigidity. From a google doc to a piece of paper to a video games - we are surrounded by structures everywhere. Sure structures add boundaries, but boundaries can be extended. Like all things, sometimes structures work and sometimes they don’t - doesn’t make structures bad.
Creativity more often than not thrives in structures
Food is a Mood: In college, on a bad day - H would tell me “Come on let’s go eat chicken (or Aloo parantha)” because he knew those things would make me happy. When my hostel roommate was feeling low, my very first instinct was to feed her! No surprise that she did feel much better after that.
Food has been a central theme across of all my memories growing up. My love for food is definitely hereditary. Cooking for people is my way of expressing love. Now that I think about it, I feel food is my love language! Ha!
Sunday brunch was a trip down the memory lane (and also to nap town!)
That's it for this week folks, see you around!
Got my hands on some gorgeous Dragonfruits this week - just look at that colour!