Your LxD Roadmap: From Idea to Impact

Tired of feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of ideas for your learning project?

A roadmap can bring clarity and focus.

A roadmap is your compass guiding you through the complex landscape of building and scaling learning experiences.

Why a Roadmap Matters πŸ—ΊοΈ

Think of your learning project as a journey. A roadmap helps you:

  • Prioritise: Not everything can happen at once. A roadmap helps you decide what to tackle first.

  • Stay on Track: With so many moving parts, it's easy to get sidetracked. A roadmap keeps you focused on your goals.

  • Communicate: A roadmap helps you share your vision and get others on board.

  • Measure Progress: A roadmap allows you to track milestones and celebrate successes.

A roadmap is a good exercise to do AFTER you have a good sense of what is wrong with your experience & what all needs work. A roadmap will not help you identify what you need to do - just figure out how to prioritise it!

Building Your Roadmap: A Step-by-Step Guide πŸͺœ

  1. Set Context: Capture details of who the roadmap is for and why is it necessary. Articulate how will this fit into the existing workflow of the team. Understanding your context will help you tailor your roadmap.

  2. Assess the Current State: What resources and constraints do you have? This includes your budget, timeline, and existing materials.

  3. Capture Your Ideas: Start by brainstorming all your learning ideas. Don't worry about feasibility or sequencing just yet – let your creativity flow.

  4. Categorise: Group your ideas into themes or areas of focus. This could be based on learner needs, content topics, or delivery methods.

  5. Articulate Dependencies: Consider dependencies and what needs to happen before something else can start. If specific ideas need to happen in a particular sequence put that out.

  6. Prioritise: Not all ideas are created equal. Choose the ones that align with your goals and have the most potential impact. Prioritise ideas within a category instead of at an overall level.

  7. Start Executing! Break down your roadmap into smaller, achievable goals. This will help you track progress and stay motivated.

Remember, Your Roadmap is a Living Document 🫁

Your roadmap is not set in stone. It should evolve as you learn and gather feedback. Don't be afraid to adapt and adjust your plans along the way.

Your roadmap doesn't have to be fancy. A simple spreadsheet or even a handwritten list can be effective. The most important thing is that it helps you stay organised and focused.

"A goal without a plan is just a wish." – Antoine de Saint-ExupΓ©ry


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