Why Kids Inspire Me (Atomic Essay Day 23)

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved spending time with kids. Whether it was spending the day with my young cousins or teaching kids in the after school neighbourhood project - kids make me really happy. Here is why:

  • Everything is optimised for fun and also know how to make everything fun. Everything is a game and games are invented everyday. If it is not fun, they’re not interested.

  • Questions are the currency in their world. If you’ve spent even 2 minutes with a kid you probably have faced a barrage of questions. Everything from your favourite colour to your underwear size - they will find out if they give them enough time.

  • Kids only know how to live in the moment. Everything before or after that does not really matter. Life is a whole a lot simpler. You are not defined by anything besides who you are in that moment.

  • They are bundles of energy. Always ready for a new adventure.

  • No dream is big enough. The world is really their oyster - a place with no constraints. There are no reality checks and everything is possible.

Over the years, I have realised that when I’m working with kids, I am happiest and do my best work. And you know what? There is nowhere else I’d rather be.


The Power of the Tangible (Atomic Essay Day 24)


Digital Diet - Short Circuiting Learning (Atomic Essay Day 22)