LxDs: 10 Ways to Stay Average in 2025 π
1οΈβ£ Knowledge is Shallow: You rely on surface-level knowledge instead of diving deep into learning theories, your subject matter, and your audience's needs.
2οΈβ£ Ignoring Your Tribe: You isolate yourself instead of actively engaging with the LxD community and learning from others.
3οΈβ£ Hoarding Your Genius: You create amazing learning experiences but never share your insights or processes with the world.
4οΈβ£ Comfort is King: You stick to familiar tools and technologies, avoiding new and potentially transformative learning experiences.
5οΈβ£ Jack of All Trades, Master of None: You try to be everything to everyone instead of specialising in a niche and becoming a recognised expert.
6οΈβ£ Feedback is the Enemy: You avoid seeking feedback on your designs and dismiss constructive criticism.
7οΈβ£ Data is Irrelevant: You ignore learning analytics and make design decisions based on gut feelings instead of evidence.
8οΈβ£ Accessibility is an Afterthought: You design learning experiences that exclude learners with disabilities or diverse learning preferences.
9οΈβ£ The Learner is a Mystery: You fail to build empathy for your learners and understand their unique challenges and motivations.
π Growth is Optional: You've become complacent in your skills and haven't explored new LxD trends or technologies in years.
Want to break free from mediocrity and become an exceptional LxD in 2025?
Join cohort 2 of Stand Out As an LxD starting 19th Nov!