5 Learning Program Design Truths You Need to Know

We've all been there – pouring our hearts and souls into a meticulously designed program only to see it fall flat. It stings, but sometimes the hardest lessons are the ones that propel us forward. After designing quite a few programs (some successful, some…let's call them β€˜learning’ experiences), I've distilled my reflections into five hard-earned truths for fellow LxDs.

Truth #1: First Who, Then What

Resist the urge to dive headfirst into content creation. Before a single slide is built, immerse yourself in the learner's world. What knowledge do they need? What challenges do they face? What motivates them? Understanding your learner is the foundation; otherwise, you risk building a beautiful program that no one finds useful.

Truth #2: Designing for Everyone Is Designing for No One

"This program will benefit everyone!" might sound inclusive, but it's a recipe for a watered-down experience. Zero in on your ideal learner with laser focus. Who are they? What's their current skill level? What specific problems are you solving for them? It's okay (and sometimes necessary) to exclude certain audiences to create a truly impactful program.

Truth #3: Building a Great Program is Pointless… Without Solving for Distribution

Think distribution from day one. Even the most brilliant program won't make an impact if nobody knows about it or wants to take it. How will you market it? How will you get your learners excited? This applies even to internal programs – you still need to generate buzz and get buy-in!

Truth #4: What You Say & How You Say It Matters!

Words have power. From your marketing materials to the in-course instructions, language shapes your learners' perceptions and experience. Choose your words carefully, striving for clarity and a tone that resonates with your audience.

Truth #5: Failure is Not an Option. How & When You Fail? That's on You.

Embrace the fact that something won't go according to plan. The key? Design for failure mitigation. What's your minimum viable program? Build in small experiments and feedback loops throughout the design process to catch potential stumbling blocks early. If something does fail, turn it into a learning opportunity. Analyze, iterate, and improve.

In a Nutshell 🌰

5 truths to remember while designing programs:

  • Learner-centricity: Know your audience inside and out.

  • Focus: Design for a specific learner, not everyone.

  • Distribution: Market your program strategically.

  • Language: Choose words with intention.

  • Resilience: Design for iterative improvement.

Which of these truths resonates the most with you? What's one step you can take today to put these principles into action? Let's learn and grow together!


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