Learning Nerd’s Diary #81

Welcome back Learning Nerds!

This week we unpack the art of facilitation. The way I look at it, it's one of the most underrated skills that someone working in learning can have.

Also, I came to this realisation that...

👀 Sneak peak

Here is what I have in store for you this week -

💭 Learning About Learning: Facilitation - The Lasso Way

🥜 Learning Nugget: Show > Tell

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt This Week:

  • 13 Facilitation Questions

  • Facilitation Hack

  • Facilitator’s Engagement Pyramid

🔦 Spotlight: Art of Hosting Guide

Let's jump right in!

💭 Learning About Learning

1/ Be an elephant 🐘

You know cause they have big ears? Active listening for the win!

Ted is the beacon of empathy & active listening. He takes the time and care to understand the unique background of everyone in the team - creating a supportive environment where they feel heard and valued.

A tip for facilitators:

In sessions, use empathy & active listening to foster an atmosphere of trust and open communication. One easy way to do this is build in moments of active reflection - for the learners to share and for you to just listen. This will lead to greater participation and collaboration and eventually, more productive outcomes.

2/ Be a Bunny 🐇

​If they don’t cheer you up​, I don’t know what will.

Ted Lasso is defined by his relentless positivity and unwavering belief in his team's potential. Instead of focusing on mistakes or criticising players, he emphasises the importance of learning from failures and celebrates their achievements, no matter how small. This boosts the team morale and motivates players.

A tip for facilitators:

Start sessions by acknowledging learners - celebrate big and small wins. Build in spaces where you learners can give a shoutout and celebrate each other as well. A little acknowledgement & positive reinforcement is a great way to boost confidence, reinforce positive behaviour and motivate learners to stay on track.

3/ Be a Chameleon 🦎

Yes I’m referring to the the changing colours…

Throughout the series, Ted encounters various personalities on the team, each with their strengths and weaknesses. Instead of using the same one-size-fits-all approach, he tailors his methods to suit the individual needs of each player. By understanding their unique traits and motivations, he brings out the best in them.

A tip for facilitators:

Recognise the different types of learners that might be present in a session. Make sure a single session engages multiple modalities of learners - there is something to listen, to see and to do.

4/ Be a Bee 🐝

There is no one that champions collaboration more than a bee, besides Ted Lasso of course!

Ted Lasso’s single priority is to be build a strong sense of camaraderie and teamwork among his players. He creates opportunities for them to bond, both on and off the field, fostering a collaborative culture where mutual respect and support flourish.

A tip for facilitators:

Create opportunities for your learners to interact with each other - not just as peers but also as people. A great way to do that is by doing icebreakers that help get the group to know each other - especially at the beginning, when people are meeting for the first time. Being able to create a safe space for participants to share ideas and opinions without fear of judgment will lead to a more enriching and productive experience.

In a Nutshell 🌰

Be an elephant. 🐘
Be a bunny. 🐇
Be a chameleon. 🦎
Be a bee. 🐝
Be like Ted Lasso. ⚽️

I won’t give any spoilers for the show - but let’s just say Ted Lasso does manage to achieve the impossible will all these facilitation techniques!

If this article doesn’t nudge you to go watch the show for ‘educational’ purposes, I don’t know what will :)

🥜 Learning Nuggets

As facilitators & designers we drive culture by our own actions.

Want to get your learners to do something? Show it in your actions first!

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt this Week

13 Facilitation Questions

My friends at Butter have curated this resource with 13 most valuable questions and answers from our 13 facilitator AMAs. If you’re thinking about facilitation - these will definitely spark some interesting brainwaves & ideas!

Facilitation Hack

Spend time on the context!

This amazing post by Thomas points out four elements you might want to consider spending time on before your workshop or meeting:

  1. The history

  2. Location

  3. Time (timing)

  4. Stakeholders/actors

Facilitator’s Engagement Pyramid

I came across this amazing tool on facilitation. It is a refreshing take on the learning engagement pyramid but for facilitators and breaks it down into 4 steps:

  • Stage 1: Watching and listening in

  • Stage 2: Participating 

  • Stage 3: Contributing

  • Stage 4: Leading 

🔦 Spotlight

I found this amazing open source guide for facilitating meetings, workshops, or hosting any type of virtual session courtesy the wonderful folks at L&D Shakers (The source of many good things in my life!)

Love & Learning

Until we meet next week, just for laughs...

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Facilitation - The Lasso Way!


Learning Nerd’s Diary #80