Learning Nerd’s Diary #63

Welcome back Learning Nerds!

This week's diary is all about the holy grail - how to be a better learner! From understanding yourself to using frameworks you can use - time to level up on your learning.

👀 Sneak peak

Here is what I have in store for you this week -

💭 Learning About Learning: How to Learn Better

🥜 Learning Nugget: The Learning Coin

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt This Week:

  • Learning isn’t something we do. It’s who we are.

  • Self-Guided Templates

🔦 Spotlight: Priming for Learning Change & Growth

Let's jump right in!

💭 Learning About Learning

The most common question I get asked as a learning experience designer (right after what exactly do I do 😜) is this - “How can I learn better?”

It’s a fairly loaded question and this article is an attempt to unpack it. Here are 4 shifts you need to make to learn better -

1/ Adapting to structure → Building structure

For starters, learning as adults is very different than how we learn as children. The real world does not come with a curriculum or a textbook or a set of existing teachers.

Just dealing with this requires a lot of unlearning and a lot of introspection.

Here is what you can do instead:

  • Be more conscious of your learning - be it personal or professional. Build a weekly ritual to question - what did I learn this week?

  • Think of areas where you want to get better - pick 1-2 at a time to work on

2/ Starting with the what/ how → Starting with the WHY

This is where we tend to make the biggest mistake. We see a shiny new learning experience - a book everyone is reading or a course people are talking about and just go for it.

We spend little - no time defining why do we want to learn this. By starting with the what or worse directly jumping to the how - we end up starting a lot of things but finishing very few.

Here is what you can do instead:

  • Start with the why. List down what your future state looks like.

  • Think about what do you need to do to get there?

3/ Fitting in a mould → Being a snowflake

Most traditional education systems put all learners in the same mould. Everyone is expected to read the same books, attend the same classes, take the same tests. But no two people are alike.

But finding what works for you is easier said than done.

Here is what you can do instead:

  • Think about your most enjoyable learning experience. What did you like about it? Try to incorporate more elements in other experiences

  • Find your learning personality. Figure out what medium/ format you learn best in right now - is it video/ text/ audio? Double down on this

4/ Focus on acquiring knowledge → Focus on applying knowledge

We tend to focus on the ‘input’ parts of learning. We brag about how many books we read and how many courses we’ve taken, but learning is not what you ingest but what you digest.

Here is what you can do instead:

  • Take a learning breath. Don’t just breathe in, breathe out what you’re learning too. Focus on creating things and not just consuming things

  • For everything you learn, try to share it with just one person. Learning magnifies by teaching someone else.

In a nutshell

Here are 4 shifts you can make to learn better -

1/ Adapting to structure → Building structure
2/ Starting with the what/ how → Starting with the WHY
3/ Fitting in a mould → Being a snowflake
4/ Focus on acquiring knowledge → Focus on applying knowledge

Which of these did you resonate with the most? Tell me in the comments section below!

🥜 Learning Nugget

There are 2 sides to the learning coin -

1. Learn what is possible

2. Learn how to do it

You can’t do both at once.

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt this Week

Learning isn’t just something we do, it’s who we are

I came across this piece somewhere this week -

Creation comes out of us the same way a flower must bloom in the spring, the same way that a bird must build a nest.

Creating isn’t just something we do; it’s who we are. If building a nest is a bird’s way of bird-ing, then creating is a human’s way of human-ing. It’s not a rare ability reserved for those trained in traditional arts or an extraordinary talent that some are born with while others aren’t.

My first instinct? Replace creation with learning.

Yoda is never wrong!


Self Guided Templates

I absolutely love frameworks! I find them easy on the mind - if you know what I mean.

I came across this set of self-guided templates which can be great while learning something new! The best part? All of them have a mural attached that can help you get started quickly. Here is my favourite one -


🔦 Spotlight

Kicked off my weekend with the lovely folks at DesignUp talking about all things learning and chatting with some amazing people!

Love & Learning

Until we meet next week!

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The Learning Habit Loop


How to Learn Better