Learning Nerd’s Diary #50

Welcome back Learning Nerds!

👀 Sneak peak

Here is what I have in store for you this week -

🧠 Learning Heuristics: Launching the repository

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt This Week:

  • Creating impactful & meaningful learning experiences

  • The Learning Trampoline

  • Why organisations don’t learn

🔦 Spotlight: Catalysing Learning

Let's jump right in!

💭 Learning Heuristics

About 10 weeks back, I started a new series on Learning Heuristics. Inspired from Usability Heuristics in Design, Learning Heuristics are 10 broad rules of thumb for designing learning experiences. Here are what they are:

  1. Visibility of the learning journey

  2. Match between learning & the real world

  3. Learner autonomy & flexibility

  4. Consistency & culture

  5. Feedback loops

  6. Application over recall

  7. Flexible & personalised journeys

  8. Minimum viable learning experiences

  9. Help learners recognise, diagnose their mistakes & rectify them

  10. Help & support

Curious to know more about this?

💥 Coolest Thing I Learnt this Week

Conditions for impactful and meaningful experiences

Much like everything my friend Anamaria does - this post is interesting, inspiring and though provoking! Taking from multiple books on learning and design, it presents answers to the following questions:

  • What makes a meaningful learning experience?

  • What does learning design done right look like?

  • What are the key ingredients of impactful learning experiences?

Check it out here!

The Learning Trampoline

One of the biggest mistakes we can make while we’re trying to learn something new is try to do it alone. A community is a great trampoline for learning - find yours!

Why Organisations don’t Learn

I came across this visual and it does such a beautiful job of summarising the challenges with learning in our workplaces today -

Which trap does your organisation fall into?


🔦 Spotlight

4 years ago I had the good fortune of spending time telling the story of a small village in India called Kalaunjar.

It was a story of hope, transformation but most importantly it was the story of how learning has a ripple effect - not just to people learning but everyone around it as well. Thanks to this post by Quest Alliance, I relived some of those moments over the weekend :)

Love & Learning

Until we meet next week!

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Addition & Subtraction - LxD Edition


Learning Nerd’s Diary #49