Learning Nerd’s Diary #17 🙃
Hi folks!
Welcome back to the the Learning Nerd’s Diary.
Spent a majority of this week in Delhi and if there is one picture to sum up my week, it’s this picture of our (ahem) appetiser before a gluttonous meal at The Big Chill. People deal with life differently, but good food definitely makes it a better ride!
The Golden Circle of Learning
Growing up while waiting for the school bus to arrive, my dad would make me and my sister learn capitals of countries. As we grew older instead of dad quizzing us, we had to do our research and quiz the other two instead. Sure it was fun to outwit each other, but I never quite understood why were learning capitals. As I grew older, I rebelled and refused to play the game.
When we talk about learning there are 3 questions to answer:
What aka content
How aka pedagogy
Why aka purpose
When we talk about learning we mostly stick to the what & how but very rarely answer why. But for anyone learning something new, “Why am I learning this?" is a critical question to answer.
Read the whole article here
Coolest Things I Learnt This Week
Mental Walks: Do you remember daydreaming? As kids we're quite familiar with the idea - cooking up stories and imagining things on our own. Daydream often has a negative connotation to it because it’s considered synonymous to lack of focus . The way I look at it? It’s a mental walk.
Just as we go out for a walk physically to feel better and be healthy, these mental walks help nourish our intellect.
While taking this mental walk on mental walks (pun intended) I thought of 3 kinds of mental walks (A lot of 3s in this week’s diary!) I have found myself taking.
Want to know what they are (and check out my new illustration?). Here is the full essay.
Oscillating Moods: It’s been a week of many moods. What started off as an emotional roller coaster and lot’s of stress sleeping (yes its a thing! Trust me), ended with the excitement of a new job, meeting old friends and a super Sunday. I love being an adult but there are times I really miss being a child and not having a care in the world! This week’s lesson was just to be kind to yourself and knowing that everything is transient - the good and the bad (Too much philosophy uff!).
Here is a tweet I came across that I wanted to massive +1 to -
First Day of School: Last Friday I started working at NextLeap as a Learning Experience Designer. In a nutshell, they’re trying to build a virtual university for working professionals in tech. I’ve been speaking to them for the last couple of weeks, and every conversation has been extremely stimulating, thought provoking and has left me with a major case of imposter syndrome! (Shhh)
I’m super pumped to apply my learnings to the adult learning space - something I haven’t done in the past!
That's it for this week folks, see you around!
What brilliant copy!