Ask for Help

The biggest thing that’s coming in the way of you learning?

Your ability to ask for help!

Two weeks back, I fractured my ankle. As part of my recovery, I have been asked to not put any weight on the injured leg - having me rethink how I do some very basic tasks. In the process, the one thing I’ve had to re-learn is how to ask for help.

As I was reflecting on this experience, I couldn’t help but draw parallels to learning in the process. In a society that often celebrates self-sufficiency and independence, asking for help can be viewed as a sign of vulnerability or incompetence. However, this mindset limits our potential for growth, especially while trying to learn something new.

But how do you know when is a good time to ask for help? Here are 3 scenarios:

1/ You’re interested to learn something but don’t know where to start 🏁

While embarking on a learning journey, you’re riddled with questions:

  • How long will it take?

  • What can I expect?

  • How hard will it be?

  • What is the best way to get there?

  • What are the best books/ courses/ sources to learn from?

Asking for help at this point is a great way to get a lay of the land before you really deep dive in. Here are 2 people who can help you at this point:

  • A Beginner ++ or someone who has started their journey not so long ago. This could be a peer or a friend. They will hold up the mirror on what the process is like.

  • An Expert or someone who has mastered the topic. This could be a teacher or a practitioner. They will help you understand more about the topic and the milestones you can expect.

2/ You’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck 🫣

While learning something new, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed with everything new around you or feel like you’re stuck and not going forward.

Information overload is real and at this point people think “This is not for me” and give up.

Asking for help at this point can really help break the deadlock and propel us forward. Here are 2 people who can help you at this point:

  • A Peer or someone who is in a similar learning journey. This could be a classmate or a friend. They might have solved the problem that you are at and can help you move forward. If they haven’t, it could be a great opportunity to figure it out together.

  • A Mentor or someone who is much ahead in this journey. They might have solved this hurdle already.

3/ You want to prioritise your time and become more efficient ⏳

Being able to do something and figuring the most efficient way to get it done are two very different things. While on a self directed journey, it can be hard to figure out how to optimise for time.

Asking for help at this point can accelerate your progress and free up time to go deeper in your learning journey. Here are 2 people who can help you at this point:

  • A Mentor or someone who is much ahead in this journey. They can help you figure out tips and tricks to help be more efficient.

  • An Expert or someone who has mastered the topic. This could be a teacher or a practitioner. They can help you figure out the optimal way to do something.

In a nutshell 🌰

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a way to learn better. Learning is a team sport and by reaching out to other people for help we not only accelerate learning but also expand our thinking.

Remember to ask for help at the right time and from the right person. It will seem scary at first, but it’s going to be worth it!


Learning Nerd’s Diary #77


Learning Nerd’s Diary #76